Wednesday, June 14, 2006

great expectations

Number 1:
There is a little bird who has a nest nearby our patio. He often flies down onto the paving outside, hops around looking for bugs (I presume) and then flies off again. I sat very quietly and waited for him yesterday evening, because I wanted to take a photo when he came to visit.Can you see him? No?
That's probably because he's not in this photo.
This exercise taught me two things:
1. The little bird is camera-shy, and
2. he moves really quickly!
So, no birdie in this one. But I'm nothing if not persistent, so I will keep trying and maybe one of these days you'll see a photo of more than just the paving and weeds of our patio.

Number 2:

Don't ya just hate it when you work yourself up into battle-mode and confront someone, only for them to completely take the wind out of your sails by being entirely sweet and helpful and not rising to the bait of your ascerbic tone of voice?
Ya, me too.
It makes for an awful anti-climax. And then what are you supposed to do with the acid adrenaline pumping through your veins? I suppose I could always take it out on my co-workers, but that seems a little unfair, really. And since I like to believe I'm actually a nice person at heart, that doesn't really sit well with me.
The alternative?
Why, write all about it on my blog and gain sympathy from you lot, hahaha!

Number 3:
Ehm.... acutally there isn't a number 3.
Which just goes to prove my point: Life seldom lives up to peoples' expectations.


kyknoord said...

Number 4:
Expect disappointment and you won't be - um - disappointed. Hang on...

Terri said...

Kyknoord - HAH! Gotcha ;-)

anne said...

Terri, Terri, Terri... When that someone perversely tries to nice you out, that's when you resort to bad faith... Do I really have to tell you everything? Sheesh.

Brigitte said...

Yea - those anti-climaxes always leave me with a really nasty headache! But I get happy headaches and crying headaches too. So anything that involves emotiopns gives me a serious headache... weird. But so is photographing your pavement....

Even word verification is trying to show of a bird - "afsirbd"

Brigitte said...

uuuhh - I meant to say "emotions" of course...

Terri said...

Anne - I should carry you around in my pocket for when these situations arise.

Spookie - Weird indeed. We are in good company ;)
Oh, and spelling mistakes don't count here. In fact I just noticed I spelled 'actually' wrong in my post and I'm not even going to fix it {{gasp!!}}

Bosbefok said...

Try plan B ..... Put some breadcrumbs on the patio ... and wait with the shotgun ...Oh wait - I mean camera ....
The shotgun was for the other dude ....

Linda said...

Your lil birdie is like my hummingbird. You say camera when he is at the feeder and the lil beast is gone. We tried Saturday, I did not say camera and when I went to take his picture he was poooooof gone. Birds just don't understand our need to snap thier pic.

slashing tires is always an option but then again you might get caught and who wants all that mess to go thru.

L said...

Glue on the sidewalk would make your bird stay so you can snap his picture. ;)

Terri said...

Bosbefok - Well I suppose if I did use the shotgun at least I'd be sure the birdie wasn't going anywhere. Still...

Beads - Plus me being as clumsy as I am, using sharp objects is probably not a good idea ;)

Lori - At last! A non-violent and (relatively) painless (for the bird) option. Well done sweetie :)

AngelConradie said...

oh man terri- you actually had me straining my already tired eyes (thanx to the instalation of two new servers on monday night and all the fun that goes with that the following tuesday morning) to try and find the bird in the picture before i read further!!!!! laughed my ass off doll!

DelBoy said...

Funny thing... that happened with my boss last week. I had my whole story ready to attack him with and as soon as I confronted him, he gave in straight away! Damn, now that I think about it, I should have asked for a payrise too!!

LiVEwiRe said...

For me, the second one usually ends up in me taking more Prevacid to prevent ulvers! Don't you just hate it when people don't play along like they're supposed to?!

Terri said...

Angel - I live to entertain you ;-)

Delboy - Rule is: Always ask for more than you want. tsk tsk!

Livewire - Exactly! They should know when a woman wants to let rip, and just let us!