The sun is setting on the last day of 2005, I guess now is as good a time as any to reflect on the year gone by.
It began on a boat on the Sundays River in South Africa, and will end it where I live just north of Dublin, Ireland.
For me it was a bit of a rough year. Emotionally & mentally I've been to hell and back... the good news being that I'm on the home stretch back to being my old, happy, bubbly self. The best news being that no matter how bad I got, Hubby never gave up on me. Even when I couldn't stand being around me, he hung in there and loved me and stood by me and now I'm more in love with him than ever.
OK that's the soppy bit over.
So what else happened this year?
I won a small prize for a short story I wrote;
I saw the most beautiful sunset on earth on the stunning island of Santorini;
I climbed a volcano;
I sang karaoke for the first time;
I got the job I wanted;
I went to Rome and saw the Colosseum;
I spent four wonderful days with my mother and sisters in Paris;
I discovered a whole new world when I started Blogging;
Wow, it's hard to believe with all that good stuff going on, I still managed to be something of an emotional basket-case.
Oh well, I guess that just reinforces what I've learned this year and that is that there are no rules to life.
But things are looking up and I'm moving into the new year with a good, healthy, happy and positive outlook on life.
May the new year bring you all peace and happiness.
Another great post with a beautiful picture. Happy New Year, Terri. :)
A magnificent 2006 to you and your family...!
...and a happy New Year to you too cuz! I hope that 2006 will be as exciting for you as what 2005 was!
Happy New Year Terri!!!
Have a wonderfull new year Terri!!
Beautiful pic!!
Cherish, I'm aiming for more highs than lows this year, but yes 2005 was quite a big one for me. Hope you have a good one too!
Jeff, thanks - I can't take the credit for the pic, it was taken by a friend of mine. But I was there at the time. My camera was playing silly games with me that day.
Anne - and to you to, my dear :-)
Del, me too!
Lori, welcome back and Happy New Year darlin'!
Beadinggal, you snuck in your comment while I was writing mine... Happy New Year to you too!
Thanks Jason. Likewise!
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